Relationship Report - collect multiple sheets' data to one row based on an ID
Come up with a relationship type set up across different sheets in Smartsheet like how MS Access does with their tables. This will allow users to easily create reports using different sheets without …12 · -
Re: Birthday/Anniversary Formula & Reminders
I edited the formulas to add an IFERROR statement. If I didn't add the IFERROR() statement, then you'll get those errors in the cells once a new name gets put in. It won't disappear until dates are p…1 · -
Re: Birthday/Anniversary Formula & Reminders
Here is the formula to keep the Date and Month of the Hire, but adding current year to it =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH([Company Date of Hire]@row), DAY([Company Date of Hire]@row)) Here is the formula …3 ·